These are the bestselling Canoe Paddles
Providing the highest quality canoe paddles at competitive prices
Here at Freebird Paddles we offer a range of hand-crafted hardwood canoe paddles in unique & original designs. Others may take “inspiration” from us, but it’s easier to follow than it is to lead! With a Freebird Paddle you will feel the difference as they are exceptional in form & function. Treat yourself & paddle better!
Some of our customers reviewed our paddles, here's what they have to say!
Ray is one of the top open Canoe coaches in the UK. Here he demonstrates, using three types of Freebird paddle. The WW Big Dipper, Big Dipper and Kingfisher. To show smooth paddling technique. Ray was also involved with the development of the Big Dipper and WW Big Dipper.
Check out Ray's Youtube Channel